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Friday, July 30, 2010
Openings in Wipro for Freshers !!!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Ways to Improvise your memory
If we are forgetting things frequently it can be controlled by following some systematic ways. If we forget things then it does not means we’re having Alzheimer.
Exercise : Make it a daily routine to exercise. It will help to give energy to brain . Exercise will help in bringing more oxygen to brain.
Brain Games : Now a days there are lot of brain games available. Brain will work with doing games like puzzles, Sudoku , finding out way etc.
Debates : Debates are a very good source of energetising your brain. There are people who thinks it is better to stay away from debates. But this is not good. One should take part actively in good discussions and debates. This will keep your brain active. This also will help to increase the responsiveness of brain.
Avoid T V : Television is a good source towards laziness. There is no physical or mental activities involved while watching television.
Fruits and Vegetables : A food with lot of fruits and vegetables will strengthen the functioning of brain. So give importance to fruits and vegetables in your diet.
Cod liver oil : cod liver oil has a very good hand in enhancing your memory. Use it as a part of your daily diet.
Fruit Juice : If one drinks fruit juice atleast 3-4 times a week, then ther is less chance of affecting with diseases like Alzheimer. Poliphenole’s in fruit juice will act as anti oxides and thus helps to control diseases.
Take more Curry : Compared to people in western countries, Indians take variety of curry with their food. A study has revealed that he reason for less number of Alzheimers patients in India may be because of this.
Vitamins : memory related problems are found less in people having controlled diet with more vitamins and minerals. Vitamin E which are available in rich with leaves, pulses etc should be included in your diet.
Control Cholesterol : Have food with less cholesterol, take exercise daily, take medicines for regulating cholesterol can control the cholesterol of your body. This will help in improvising the functioning of brain.
Control Obesity : Obesity is yet another cause of memory loss. Such people are found to be attacked by Alzheimer in beginning of their old age. By controlling your body mass will help to stay away from such diseases.
Control Blood Pressure : Memory loss can be controlled by controlling oily food items. Give more importance to dry and liquid food in your diet.
Control Mental tension : Heavy Mental tension will cause damage to your brain cells. Stress will affect your memory in deep.
Limited sleep : medical science suggest at least 7-8 hours sleep for a person. When brain get rest it will stimulate hormones that control ageing.
Meditation : Meditation is a good way of improvising your mental functioning. If possible meditate for at least half an hour daily.
Good Thoughts : One’s mental state is a very important factor in decided his age and happiness. Always give importance to positive thoughts in your mind. Stay away or rather discard negative feelings.
Reading : Reading is very good exercise for brain. It will enhance your knowledge and also health to your brain.
Writing : Writing is one of the ways to stimulate brain. Make it a habit to write some thing daily.If you’ve nothing to write then at least try to follow diary writing.
Listen to Music : The right half of brain is center for you artistic and sentimental feelings. Music helps in stimulating this side of brain.
No to Drugs : Drugs damages brain in very fast pace. It will damage our brain cells.
No to Drinks : Drinks will only help to lose control of your mind. Extensive usage of drinks will leads to damage of brain and memory loss.
No to Cigarettes : People smoke extensively are tend to get affected by Alzheimer. This is as per a study conducted in western countries.
Start Liking Changes : If we can bring healthy changes in our daily routine it will help to improvise your brain functioning. You can achieve this by changing the positions of your house hold articles, by including variety and different food in your menu etc.
Organized lifestyle : Always try to organize your daily activities. This will not only help in saving time but also to skip from mental tensions. This is a very good means of improvising mental functioning.
Good Relations : Always spend at least some time with your good friends, family etc. This will stimulate and provide happiness to your brain.
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How to insert Google and other Meta tag in blogger
I got a message today about Google meta tag verification problem from one of my user. So I thought better to post a articles telling about How to insert Google and other Meta tag in blogger HTML code.
So, Hope you know how you will get Google Meta tag to verify your website. If not, then read this article [Read just only 3 steps ] so that you can understood How to get meta tags in Google?
Now, Copy your meta tag from Google webmaster tool and keep in mind that meta tag is always placed in between tag. So, Go to Layout section then go to Edit HTML section then search this section in HTML Section. Usually You will find this section at line number 6-8 from the top of your HTML Source code.
Now,Paste your meta verification code in between tag and save your template . Now, Go to webmaster tool and click on approve . Now, your meta tag verification will be verified.
Friday, July 23, 2010
7 Things to never do on Facebook
The first thing that you should never have in Facebook is a weak password. With so much of your personal information at stake it is essential to have a strong password. Avoid names or words that can be found in a dictionary. Use 8 digit complex password which consist of uppercase, lowercase, numeric's and special characters
Never give your complete birth date in your profile
Another thing that you should never do on Facebook is give your full date of birth in your profile. Your complete date of birth is just what identity thieves may require to potentially gain access to your bank or credit card account.
In case you have already done it, here's how to edit the info: Go to your profile page and click on the Info tab, then on Edit Information. Under the Basic Information section, choose to show only the month and day or no birthday at all.
Overlooking useful privacy controls
It is imperative to restrict access for almost everything on Facebook. It is critical to provide restricted access to your personal info (including religious views and family information) and photos to only your family and friends. Also, avoid giving contact information like phone number and address.
Putting your child's name in a caption
Another complete `no-no' on Facebook is to give your child's name in a caption. Also, don't use your kid's name in photo tags. In case someone else has tagged your kid, ask them to remove it.
Announcing that you'll be away from home
This again can be dangerous and is akin to putting `no one's home' signboard on your door. Wait till you are back home to share details about your wonderful holiday. Also, be always vague about your trip dates.
Don't let Search Engines find you
It's easy to find details about anyone these days. Make sure you don't reveal yourself to everyone through these Search engines.
To make sure strangers can't access your page, go to the Search section on Facebook's privacy controls and select Only Friends for Facebook search results. Also, make sure that the box for public search results is not checked.
Allowing children to use Facebook unsupervised
Facebook has limited its membership to ages 13 and above. However, children younger than this can do it, as there is no foolproof way on the site to detect someone's age.
In case your youngone or younger sibling is on Facebook, become their online friend. This can be one of the best way to superwise them. You can also use your e-mail address as the contact for their account so that you receive their notifications.
Similarly, a child who posts the comment "Dad will be home soon, I need to get back to finish my homework" every day at the same time may inadvertently revealing too much about the parents' regular comings and goings.
Monday, July 19, 2010
New Traffic rule in India
From now onwards, the Traffic Police cannot catch a motorist just to examine the driving license or vehicle documents.
They can catch you only if you have violated any traffic laws or if you are driving drunk. Remember that when caught for traffic violation, the fine you pay must be limited to the violation. In other words, the police can't bloat the bill saying that you have no insurance cover or emission certificate, etc.
Many motorists do not know this. According to the law, no policeman can slap a penalty on you just because you have no insurance or emission certificate.
If you have not purchased insurance cover for your vehicle, then the police officer must issue a notice, not impose penalty.
You must be given 15 days' time to purchase insurance cover and one week for obtaining the emission certificate.
Days later, meet the sub-inspector at his station with the insurance cover or emission certificate, so that he will annul the charge at once.
Police can fine you only if you fail to produce these documents within the stipulated period.
If your vehicle is brand new, then you need not bother about obtaining the emission certificate for one full year.
In response to a question as to why policemen fine people instantly without giving them time to obtain insurance cover or emission certificate, Additional Commissioner for Traffic Praveen Sood said, "Yes, it is a mistake. People must force policemen to issue notice or complain to me at least the following day.
The best way to teach the police a lesson is by filing a written complaint with their higher officials and, a week later, using the Right to Information Act (RTI) to know the action taken against them. Remember, any question or application filed under RTI cannot be ignored and no official is bold enough to ignore the RTI Act.
Praveen Sood
(Additional Commissioner for Traffic, Mumbai)
022 – 22942276
Friday, July 16, 2010
First Indian Web Browser !!!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Free Online Indian Excise & Customs Act
For Customs Act click here
For Excise Act click here
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Full Bhagavad Gita
Here you can find the links to all the 18 chapters of Bhagavad Gita.
Introduction to Bhagavad Gita :
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
http://bhagwanshrad ha.wordpress. com/bhagavad- gita/the- gita-chapter- 8/
Chapter 9
http://bhagwanshrad ha.wordpress. com/bhagavad- gita/the- gita-chapter- 9/
Chapter 10
http://bhagwanshrad ha.wordpress. com/bhagavad- gita/the- gita-chapter- 10/
Chapter 11
http://bhagwanshrad ha.wordpress. com/bhagavad- gita/the- gita-chapter- 11/
Chapter 12
http://bhagwanshrad ha.wordpress. com/bhagavad- gita/the- gita-chapter- 12/
Chapter 13
http://bhagwanshrad ha.wordpress. com/bhagavad- gita/the- gita-chapter- 13/
Chapter 14
http://bhagwanshrad ha.wordpress. com/bhagavad- gita/the- gita-chapter- 14/
Chapter 15http://bhagwanshrad ha.wordpress. com/bhagavad- gita/the- gita-chapter- 15/
Chapter 16http://bhagwanshrad ha.wordpress. com/bhagavad- gita/the- gita-chapter- 16/
Chapter 17
http://bhagwanshrad ha.wordpress. com/bhagavad- gita/the- gita-chapter- 17/
Chapter 18
http://bhagwanshrad ha.wordpress. com/bhagavad- gita/the- gita-chapter- 18/
Chapter Summaries
http://bhagwanshrad ha.wordpress. com/bhagavad- gita/chapter- summaries/
A Dangerous Laptop kills a person
25 year old Arun Gopal Ratnam died in a fire at home June 4th. This is what happened. He graduated with MBA from University of Wisconsin-Madison two weeks earlier and came home. Had a lunch with his dad at home and decided to go back to to clean up his room at school. Father told him to wait and see his mother before he goes back for a few days. He decided to take a snooze while waiting for his mom to come home from work.
Neighbors called 911 when they saw black smoke coming out of the house. Their 25 year old son Arun died in the three year old house. It took several days of investigation to find out the cause of the fire. It was determined that the fire was caused by lap top in the bed. When the lap top is on the bed cooling fan does not get air to cool the computer and that is what caused the fire. He did not even wake up to get out of the bed he died of carbon monoxide.
The reason I am forwarding this to all of you is that I have seen all of us using our lap top in bed. Let us all decide and make it a practice not to do that. Risk is real. Let us make it a rule not to use lap top in bed or put computer on bed with blankets and pillows around.